Sunday, July 29, 2007

Living Faith English Class has Just Begun

We taught for two weeks. We repeated "How are you" until whenever someone says it now, I can only think of English class. We taught body parts, foods, family, weather, rooms in a house, etc.... LAPs were amazing the second week.

Isaac and I are pictured here with Marisol, the student who appeared this past week and doubled our English class attendance to two! But praise God for the two. As a team, we learned so much from those two. Marisol was a Christian coming from Colombia with a desire to learn. Yet during our discussion time, she shared so much with us about God and her country. Kwai Fong Ho (not pictured) came for three weeks, being taught by the Sechlers in the middle, so eager and vulnerable to her inabilities to learn English for the last ten years because of work. For more, feel free to look at my blog.

They will continue taking English Class at Living Faith Church which is being trained to continue and expand their class today. Woohoo! I pray all our efforts this month will produce long term effects for God's kingdom!

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