Saturday, July 28, 2007

New York - last Saturday

Madison under President Madison in the "Americas" collection in the Metropolitan Museum. We spent about 3 hours there today, saw most of what we hadn't seen when we came last December.
This is an area at the Cloisters where we went on Friday. This is the medieval portion of the Metropolitan Museum - it's in an old fort turned church. The Met owns it, and shows all of their medieval things that aren't at the Met.

HOT day today! Had to take a quick ice-cream break!

It's coming to a FAST close! The beginning of the month seemed like we had so much time left to go. Now, we are down to 3 days left! Incredible! We had a day of some relaxation - took some time at the Met, played Frisbee in Central Park and had a dog, walked around Time Square again, went into the HUGE Toys-R-Us there, then home for more homework! Tomorrow is another day of church - it will be our last time at Nueva Vida - last 3 1/2 hour Spanish speaking sermon (at least in New York).

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