Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Personal Bubble

Ok, so this guy totally drew his own personal bubble for me on the subway the other day! It was rush hour and I was so squished that my feet couldn't even find places to be. I was doing a very strange ballet positioning with my feet where one's facing forward and the other is sideways. Anyway, so then my one sideways foot is itching, so while holding on the rail, my own ballet pole, I lift up the other foot to itch. This really buff guy with shades on (those subway shades where no one can really see you) to my right taps my shoulder. I look over and he says "Excuse me" and then with his hands, draws his own little personal bubble space that I'm assuming I invaded! How crazy!

All of our personal bubbles have been invaded in some way through this last week and a half. We have had to give up our family routines, naptimes, individual cars, alone time, and our pride. Yet, while giving it all up, we have been all the more reminded of what to go back to, the Gospel! Hallelujah that Christ gave up so much to die for us. May we glorify God in our small sacrifices.

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