Wednesday, July 4, 2007

City Senses -- by Melanie

Dark subway tunnels into bright crowded skies.
Wide boardwalks with narrow gaps between people.
All colors represented in people.

Mariachi bands playing over the subway drone.
Homeless and forlorn mumbling on the road.
Languages within earshot from all over the world.

Korean Jab Chae
New York Bakeries
Fruit Market Blueberries.

Hot muggy underground.
Bumps, squashes, knocks around others.
Each step walking, walking, walking.

Exhaust behind, in front, go, go, go.
International fumes competing for audacity.
Awaken the city senses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Melanie, I'm glad you've been paying attention to your surroundings! Have fun in NYC!
-Rachel from June'06 I&O