Friday, July 20, 2007

I made an orthodox rabbi chuckle on the subway.

Maybe that's all you need to know.


Anonymous said...

Come on Ben, you've got to give us more than that.

Ben said...

Yeah, Mom said so too. Well, I was on this rain talking with a couple of my co-trainees, and somehow or other the subject got to cheesy, washed-up musical performers.

So I told the story of how, my freshman year at TCU, the school had Vanilla Ice come and perform for our freshman welcome week festivities. That's right: I have seen the song "Ice Ice Baby" performed live by Vanilla Ice.

Anyway, this orthodox rabbi had walked onto the train at the stop before - he was wearing the black hat, had the beard, the whole nine yards - and he was standing nexto to me, facing me, and sort of glancing over at me as I told all this to the others. So as I finished, I looked him right in the eye and said, "True story."

He chuckled. I felt that I'd had a very New York sort of moment.

Melanie said...

And the rabbi definitely had a book with him titled, "Tradition".

mikepettengill said...

So, a rabbi, a Christian missionary and a rap singer walk into a bar...

Ben said...

...and the bartender says, "What is this, a joke?"

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't Matisyahu?!! I think he cut his teeth on Vanilla Ice...when he was 4 1/2 years old!!